The first part of our examinations and discussions with you are centred on you and your health. Our team want to educate you to make informed decisions and be in control of your health. ‘Teeth for life ‘is no longer a lottery but a personal luxury orchestrated by you through your personal care and attention. We pride ourselves on personalising our treatment plans to what you need and aiming to make this attainable for you. After having your initial consultation and examination you will see our treatment co-ordinator who will work through your options with you.
At our clinic you will find prevention is not just about brushing and flossing. It is becoming more apparent how the mouth is linked with the rest of the body. We like to take a holistic approach to our dental health and acknowledge the connection it has to many other areas of our health. We want to help you grow and develop a healthy mouth and face through habits, diet and hygiene which can start as early as birth.